Selección adicional de redes CPA

Búsqueda de Redes CPA:

Respuestas posibles en ingles:

Verticales que utiliza?
Financial, Games, Downloads, Health & Beauty, E-commerce, Insurance, Travel

It depends on the offer of course, but average I can bring at least 10 per offer per day and the I can scale it up whem I see that the offer and my campaings are converting well.


INTL really. Been able to convert practically all countries. But the best right now have been United States and Asia

Tipo de oferta mas interesante pàra ud ?

Some stores like and Lead Gen Games are working good for me

Describa su negocio?

I am the manager of the Media Company within my goals this promotion offers internationally,I will promote using banners, display and contextual advertising.

I have great sources where I can bring lot of traffic and qualified leads for you and youradvertisers.

A few "niche" dating offers, Some stores like And Lead Gen Games are working good for me.

Como se entero de nosotros?

We have heard grad comment about your network and affiliate manager.
-Mr. Werner Uribe
-Affiliate summit

Que trafico utiliza?

I buy traffic from adcash, 50onred, mediatraffic, directrevenue

I will run financial, games, Credit Score, Diet and Skin Offer from USA, CA and 20 other different countries using contextual traffic

How much monthly revenue do you generate with other networks?

For security reason I can show you proof of purchase in person. What is the next conference that you will attend? Can you provide your Booth Location so I can visit you there and show you my proof? Thanks

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